Latest prints of small parts 

I posted this yesterday and posted them via my phone while I as freeing the parts from the support structure. Now I’m going through the pictures to reinsert them into wordpress so their not so big and add some descriptions. Clicking on them will still produce full resolution. These parts were printed at the 3dprintingstore (Denver, Co) on a B9 Creator.

Parts before removal of support structure
Here are the parts before I removed them from the support structure.
A zoomed in view of the smaller parts before removal.
A zoomed in view of the smaller parts before removal.

I used small clippers to cut them free. Perhaps I needed to be a little more careful as I ended up cracking the o-ring remover. Here here is pictures of the parts cut free.

Picture of parts cut free
Picture of parts cut free. Some damage occurred to the o-ring remover. It’s hard to get the clippers underneath the piece and remove without flexing the material.  to the o-ring remover. The parts on the left are similar with one having the post for a hinge the other with a though to put a 0-80 set screw into.

The hinge between the spatula and clamper worked as in it swings around the hinge! (1st time). Here is a pic of that and the dimensions that worked.

Pic of clamper mounted on spatula. Hinge worked.

Here’s a drawing of how it looked in cad. I had to make the tolerance between the parts 300 um to get it to be able to move.

Drawing of hinge. It took 300 um tolerance between the axle attached to the spatula and the through hole attached to the Clamper to get the hindge to move. Previous attempt was under toleranced. The 1.524 mm is the OD of a 0-80 set screw.

The dove tail redesign worked as well. Here is a look at pics of it sliding into the filter spatula.

Filter remover inserted into the spatula. Dove Tail 2.0 design successful.
Filter remover inserted into the spatula. You can barely see the inserted part because of poor contrast between black on black materials.

Here is the drawing of that feature with tolerances. They were expanded since previous print

Drawing of Dove Tail 2.0 Design. 2.0 isn't really a dove tail because it's circular in structure but achieves the same goal.
Drawing of Dove Tail 2.0 Design. 2.0 isn’t really a dove tail because it’s circular in structure but achieves the same goal.

I still have 2 features that didn’t work that are the notch on the plate and the teeth of the o-ring remover. The plate also came back slightly undersized.


Measured size of feature on plate
Measured size of feature on plate
Actual dimension width is larger than measured.
Actual dimension width is larger than measured.

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