Movable parts, dove tails, & interlocking notches

Here is prints of 4 new designs. Again off of a B9 Creator. I added features to help the parts fit together. These features are a hinge between the two parts at the bottom, a dove tail between the part still in supports and the part at the bottom, and a grove in the plate.IMG_0760.JPG

Unfortunately, the two pieces a the bottom printed as once piece it doesn’t move around the hinge and I was not able to free it. Here is a view of the hinge from the side.


I cut the top piece free. Here you can see that very small dove tail at the back of the top piece.


Here is that fitting into the slot on the piece below. The dove tail worked!


I ended up destroying the two parts that I had tried to hinge together in the process of separating them. I’m now going to try printing them as two separate parts. With the next version I’ll test out the hinge again and see if the it fits into the notch on the plate.

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